Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Family Vacations

We decided this years trip to Disney will be postponed until October/November because of Skylar's age.  I wanted her to be at least six months old when we went to Disney, so I could use sunscreen on her and not freak out about her being in the FL sun, although I will anyway.   So it's only 3 months away so I am starting to get excited about the trip!!

We have been going to Disney now for years every July or August and I realize now that every year becomes more special for new reasons. The first time I went on vacation with my parents as an adult was the summer I got engaged.  Steve couldn't use his timeshare week due to work constraints and asked my parents if they wanted to go down to FL with me.  It was fabulous, last vacation with Mom and Dad before I would become Mrs. Crozier.  It was a blast and to this day I treasure the time I spent with them alone, which rarely happens anymore. 

After that, we started vacationing together to FL every year.  4 adults traveling to FL, visiting the parks and enjoying dinners out, swimming and each others company.  I remember walking into the parks, no bag lines, no snack packs, no strollers, no anything, just a ticket and a smile on my face.  We loved the parks, enjoyed riding the coasters, just strolling around and watching people.  And to my Dad's dismay,  99% of the time ended up in some type of shopping area, shopping for this person or that, food, clothes, or any other Disney gift we could fill our arms with.  Mom and I LOVE shopping and every year, we go to Downtown Disney and Dad sits on the EXACT same bench outside of the exact same shop, awaiting our return.  Steve has come to enjoy Disney shopping as much as we do.  I remember enjoying a day at the pool, in to shower and head to a nice dinner...awww how I love Bahama Breeze!  The years passed and along came Mackenzie...and our 1st Disney trip as PARENTS!! 

I knew it had changed when my packing and FL trip list became LISTS that never seemed to end.  Diapers, Swim Diapers, wipes, blankets, toys, 14 bathing suits, just enough for 1 a day, sunscreen in 15, 3O and 5O, shoes, sandals, and the list goes on.  Steve asking why can't I just pack her a few outfits since we have a washer and answer "She can't wear the same thing during our trip!" LOL  The moment we got out of the car at the airport should have been a tell tale sign of the change...from a couples trip to a FAMILY trip.  The amount of luggage plus car seat, stroller, diaper bag, Kenzies bag, nearly didn't fit.  Thanks to the rental car attendant, we made it to the resort, somehow!!  Our simple no bag lines at Disney became the line that allows bags, cameras, kids, bottles, and anything else attached to our stroller.  So you get past the bag search and you approach the opening of the park...and you see her eyes light up. For the first time your view of Disney see it in her eyes, you see the Magic of Disney again, you realize all the trips before without her, can't even compare to this one minute of seeing her reaction to seeing the castle, a princess, a high five from Mickey Mouse!  We experienced more in life that first trip with Mackenzie then I ever thought possible.  We remembered what life really is's about being happy, enjoying life each day, it's about smiling just at the sight of a silly character, its about raising your hands on the tea cup ride.  It didn't matter that I couldn't go on the roller coasters anymore...I was more excited to show her It's a Small World, and couldn't wait to catch her first photo of her and Daddy on Dumbo, just like my Daddy and I did years before!  It is about seeing Mackenzie and her grandparents learn more about each other. Poppy & Gram teaching her the Hokey Pokey in the hotel during a relaxing afternoon.  It's magical to see your parents eyes light up when they see their granddaughter experience things for the first time.  

It also reminded me that it isn't all about the fabulous rides, or fireworks or the big magical castle.  It is about stopping to watch the ducks eat while walking through the park, it's about watching her fall asleep on Daddy on the ferryboat leaving Disney at night, and it's about looking back with her on those videos 2 years later to have her jump up and down and say Disney Mommy!!   

When you travel this summer or this year, don't forget to enjoy your family.  Pack like a crazy person, make list after list and research every possible savings online, but remember it's a FAMILY vacation, and your family is what is most important about the whole trip.  This will be Mackenzie's 3rd trip to Disney and Skylar's 1st.  Again, another trip of firsts!  Mackenzie has already planned out Daddy and her on Dumbo and Skylar and Mommy watch and then we rotate.  I love that Mackenzie has memories like this already and asks to watch her videos and photos all the time. These are her memories and no matter how big and bold or quiet and relaxed, they are with her family!  So next time you walk through a Disney Park or any park or vacation for that matter, don't get upset about all the baggage, cameras, stroller parking or prices of food, just enjoy every moment you are there with your kids.  They are experiencing firsts and lasts that you will never see again!  So as for me, I can't wait to experience Skylar's first ride on Dumbo with Daddy....and celebrate Mackenzie's 3rd!!  

Today I am grateful for:
1. I am grateful today for MD who loaned us a dehumidifier for our basement, which seemed to be growing mold it was soooo humid down there!
2. I am grateful for DL for reminding me about a very special event I want to attend in December.
3. I am grateful today for SC who made a fabulous dinner for us tonight!
4. I am grateful today for HC for allowing my family to have a fabulous vacation every year!!

~~off to Kipp!

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